TABLE XV. Small sample inspection.
Lot size (passed group A inspection)
Sample size
2 to 25
26 to 150
151 to 1200
5 Group B acceptance. Each sample selected in accordance with shall be examined to determine
conformance with the requirements of table XIV. If one or more defects are found in the inspection sample, the
production lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification. Group B inspections may be performed
in any order acceptable to the government. Disposition of sample units. Samples subjected to group B tests shall not be delivered on contract or
4.6.2 Periodic inspection. Periodic inspection shall consist of group C. Where the results of this inspection show
noncompliance with the applicable requirements, delivery of products which have passed groups A and B inspection
shall be delayed. Group C inspection. Group C inspection shall consist of the inspections specified in table XVI. Group C
inspections shall be made on sample units selected from inspection lots that have passed groups A and B inspection.
TABLE XVI. Group C inspection.
Requirement paragraph
Test method paragraph
Polyethylene shrink-back
Polyamide heat stability Inspection sample. One sample shall be selected per each 5,000 feet of cable, or fraction thereof, not to
exceed the total of five samples per order. Samples shall be selected periodically through the life of the contract to
assure representative results. Noncompliance. No failures shall be allowed in group C inspection. If a sample unit fails to pass group
C inspection, acceptance of the product shall be discontinued until corrective action, acceptable to the government,
has been taken. After the corrective action has been taken, group C inspection shall be repeated on additional
sample units (all inspections or the inspection that the original sample failed, at the option of the government).
Groups A and B inspection may be reinstituted; however, final acceptance shall be withheld until the group C
reinspection has shown that the corrective action was successful. In the event of failure after re- inspection,
information concerning the failure and the corrective action taken shall be furnished to the cognizant inspection
activity and the procuring activity.
4.7 Methods of inspection.
4.7.1 Visual and dimensional inspection. Cable shall be inspected to verify that the design, construction of
conductors, ground wires, insulated conductors, shielding, identification coding, grouping and cabling, jacket,
diameter tolerances, marking, and workmanship are in accordance with the applicable requirements. The inspections
shall be made on a specimen not less than 2 feet in length and cut no closer than 5 feet from the end of the sample.
4.7.2 Spark test. All insulated conductors shall be subjected to the spark test in accordance with method 6211 of
FED-STD-228 or method 900 of UL 1581 with the following exceptions:
a. It shall be performed on all insulated conductors prior to cabling or shielding.
b. For conductors larger than 6 AWG, an adaptation of method 6211, satisfactory to the Government inspector,
shall be used.
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