3.5.16 Acid gas generation (type IV jacketed cable only). When cables are tested as specified in
4.7.18, the acid equivalent shall not exceed the percentage, by weight of the sample, specified
(see 3.1).
3.5.17 Halogen content (type IV jacketed cable only). When cables are tested as specified in
3.5.18 Smoke index (type IV jacketed cable only). When cables are tested as specified in 4.7.20,
the smoke index shall not be greater than the value specified (see 3.1).
3.5.19 Toxicity index (type IV jacketed cable only). When cables are tested as specified in 4.7.21,
the toxicity index shall not be greater than the value specified (see 3.1).
3.5.20 Tensile strength and elongation (unaged). When tested as specified in 4.7.22, the cable
jacket shall have a tensile strength and elongation not less than the value specified (see 3.1).
3.6 Marking. Unless otherwise specified (see 3.1), marking shall consist of the PIN, and
manufacturer's CAGE code. Marking shall be on the outermost insulation (or cable) surface and shall
be at intervals of every 3.3 feet (1 meter) measured from the beginning of one complete marking to
the beginning of the succeeding complete marking. Marking of the unjacketed cable shall be
specified by the procuring activity (see 6.2).
3.7 Workmanship. Cables shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and shall
be free from any burrs, die marks, chatter marks, foreign material, or other defects that will adversely
affect life, serviceability, or appearance.
3.8 Continuous lengths (see 4.7.16). Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, the footage
of the individual continuous lengths in each spool or reel shall be marked on the spool or reel in the
sequence in which the lengths will be unwound by the user. The minimum footage of each
continuous length of cable in the inspection lot (see shall conform to table II, which specifies
the total number of inspection lot cable lengths which may be provided by cable lengths of various
minimum footages, in terms of percentage.
3.9 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered, or
environmentally preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible, provided that
the material meets or exceeds the operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes
economically advantageous life cycle costs.
TABLE II. Continuous lengths.
Minimum footage
Minimum percentage
100 feet (30.5 meters)
50 percent
75 feet (23 meters)
80 percent
50 feet (15 meters)
100 percent
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