MIL-DTL-28830E Disposition of sample units. Sample units which have been subjected to group C
inspection shall not be delivered on the contract.
TABLE IX. Group C inspection.
Test method
Velocity of propagation (when specified, see 3.1)
Capacitance (when specified, see 3.1)
Cold bend
Temperature cycling
Thermal shock Noncompliance. If a sample fails to pass group C inspection, the manufacturer shall notify
the qualifying activity and the cognizant inspection activity of such failure and take corrective action
on the materials or processes or both, as warranted, and on all units of product which can be
corrected and which were manufactured under essentially the same conditions with essentially the
same materials and processes, and which are considered subject to the same failure. Acceptance
and shipment of the product shall be discontinued until corrective action acceptable to the qualifying
activity has been taken. After the corrective action has been taken, group C inspection shall be
repeated on additional sample units (all inspections, or the inspection which the original sample
failed, at the option of the qualifying activity). Groups A and B inspections may be reinstituted;
however, final acceptance and shipment shall be withheld until the group C reinspection has shown
that the corrective action was successful. In the event of failure after reinspection, information
concerning the failure shall be furnished to the cognizant inspection activity and the qualifying activity.
4.7 Methods of inspection.
4.7.1 Visual and mechanical examination. The cables shall be examined to verify that the design,
construction, physical dimensions, marking, and workmanship are in accordance with the applicable
accuracy shall be used to determine the proper dimensions.
4.7.2 Continuity (see 3.5.1). A direct current (dc) potential of 6 volts maximum shall be applied,
through an appropriate indicator, to the inner and outer conductors of the reel of cable. The voltage
may be applied to the conductors individually or in series.
4.7.3 Dielectric withstanding voltage (see 3.5.2). The cable shall be tested in accordance with
method 6111 of FED-STD-228 (100% of cable shall be tested) with the following exceptions:
The cable shall not be immersed in water.
Direct current voltage is acceptable.
The test shall be performed on finished cable only.
The high potential shall be applied to the inner conductor and the outer conductor
shall be grounded.
e. Test voltage shall be applied for 1 minute, minimum.
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