3.8.6 Aging stability. All finished cable with jacket styles listed in table VI shall withstand the aging stability test of 4.3.10
without cracking of the jacket.
3.8.7 Blocking. Adjacent layers of cable with all jacket materials shall not stick together nor to the metal mandrel when
subjected to the test for blocking in 4.3.15 at rated temperature of the jacket or basic wire, whichever is lower, for 6 hours.
3.8.8 Flammability. Cable specimens with all jacket materials loaded with sufficient weight to remain taut throughout test shall
not burn for more than 30 seconds, nor more than 3.0 inches (76.2 mm) when tested in accordance with 4.6.
3.8.9 Lamination sealing. Cable specimens with tape wrapped jacket materials 11, 12, 22, 24, 61, 62, 72 or 74 shall exhibit no
separation of layers either along the insulation or at the ends when tested in accordance with 4.3.14.
3.8.10 Crosslinked verification. All finished cable with jacket material 08, 23, 58, and 73 shall withstand the test of 4.3.10
without cracking of the jacket or dielectric breakdown, as applicable (see 4.2). Normal oxidation of the conductor coating or shield
strand coating shall not be cause for rejection.
3.8.11 Shield solderability. Solderability shall be evaluated using the "Evaluation of Wrapped Lugs, Tabs, and Wire" paragraph
of MIL-STD-202, Method 208 after the braided shields are tested in accordance with paragraph 4.3.18. The requirement is
applicable to tin and silver coated shields only (single shield symbols T, S, M, G, H, J, and double shield symbols V, W, K, A, B, D).
3.8.12 Temperature rating. The temperature rating of the cable shall be defined as the lowest rating of the basic specification
wire, shield material, or jacket material as defined in or
3.8.13 Laser Markability. Applicable materials shall be formulated in such a manner to achieve a 62 % minimum contrast level
when marked by an Ultraviolet (UV) laser source operating at a delivered power not to exceed 1.5 Joules/cm2. The contrast level is
defined as the difference between the reflectances of the background insulation and the laser mark, divided by the reflectance of the
background insulation.
3.9 Identification of product.
3.9.1 Cable product identification. The cable product identification shall consist of the cable designation as determined by 1.2.1
and the cable manufacturer's code designation in accordance with publication H4-1 and H4-2. No other identification marking shall
be applied by the manufacturer. Unshielded, unjacketed cable, shielded singles, and shielded and jacketed singles . The cable product identification shall
be imprinted on the insulation of wire number 1 (see 3.9.2) except on shielded and jacketed single constructions having jacket styles
08, 23, 58, and 73, which shall have the cable product identification marked on the surface of the jacket. The cable product
identification shall conform to paragraph 3.9.3. The cable product identification shall not be required on the insulation of wire
number 1 when the product identification is not required by the basic wire specification for that size wire. Shielded cable (2 to 15 wires). The cable product identification shall be imprinted on a marker tape placed beneath the
shield (see 3.9.4). Jacketed cable (2 to 15 wires). The cable product identification shall be imprinted on the outer surface of the following
jacket styles 08, 23, 58, and 73. All other jacket styles shall have cable product identification imprinted on a marker tape placed
beneath the jacket (see 3.9.4).
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