TABLE IX. Group C inspection.
Requirement paragraph
Test paragraph
Heat stability
Accelerated aging
Water absorption
Shrinkage Noncompliance. If a sample fails to pass group C inspection, the contractor shall take corrective action
on the materials or process or both as warranted, and on all units of product which can be corrected and which
were manufactured under essentially the same conditions, with essentially the same materials. processes, etc.,
and which are considered subject to the same failure. Acceptance of the product shall be discontinued until
corrective action acceptable to the Government has been taken.
4.6.5 Retention of qualification. To retain qualification, the contractor shall submit test summaries for groups A
and B on a yearly basis and groups C test report every two years to the qualifying activity. The qualifying
activity will establish the initial reporting date.
The report shall consist of:
a. A summary of the results of the tests performed for inspection of product for delivery (groups A and
B), indicating as a minimum the number of lots that have passed, the number that have failed, and the
groups which have failed. The results of tests of all reworked lots shall be identified and accounted
b. The results of the group C tests, including the number and mode of failures. The summary shall
include results of all conformance tests performed and completed during the two-year period. If the
summary of the tests results indicates nonconformance with specification requirements, and corrective
action acceptable to the qualifying activity has not been taken, action may be taken to remove the
failing product from the QPL. In addition, the report shall be presented in sufficient detail to
substantiate the test procedures used and the results obtained in the testing. Failure to submit this
data in sufficient detail may be cause for rejection of the report. Failure to submit the report within 30
days after the end of each two-year period may result in loss of qualification for the product. In
addition to the periodic submission of inspection data, the contractor shall immediately notify the
qualifying activity at any time during the two-year period that the inspection data indicates failure of the
qualified product to meet the requirements of this specification. In the event that no production
occurred during the reporting period, a report shall be submitted certifying that the company still has
the capabilities and facilities necessary to produce the item. If during two consecutive reporting
periods there has been no production, the manufacturer may be required, at the discretion if the
qualifying activity, to submit his qualified products to retesting in accordance with the qualification
inspection requirements and the reason for no production.
4.7 Visual and dimensional. The finished cables shall be given a visual and dimensional inspection for
conformance to the applicable requirements of table VII.
4.7.1 Filler and separator. Data shall be supplied with each order certifying that when cotton issued as a filler
material (3.6.1) or cable separator (3.6.5), the cotton has been fungus treated and conforms to the fungus test
in accordance with MIL-STD-810.
4.7.2 Conductor joints or splices. With each order of cable, the manufacturer shall furnish certification that
jointing or splicing of all conductors used in the cable is in conformity with
4.8 Test procedures.
4.8.1 Conductor tests.
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