3.6.1 Dielectric strength. Unshielded cable. The unshielded cable shall withstand the applicable voltage specified in
table IV for not less than 1 minute without breakdown. Shielded cable. The shielded cable shall withstand the applicable voltage specified in
table IV for not less than 1 minute without breakdown.
3.6.2 Cold bend. Unshielded cable. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order (see 6.2), cold bend
requirements are not applicable for unshielded cable constructions.
TABLE IV. Dielectric strength voltage.
Type of wire
Basic wire spec
Conductor size
Volts (rms)
B & BJ
MIL-DTL-16878/1 & /17
32 to 14 AWG
C & CJ
MIL-DTL-16878/2 & /18
26 to 12 AWG
D & DJ
MIL-DTL-16878/3 & /19
24 to 1/0 AWG
32 to 10 AWG
32 to 6 AWG
3,000 Shielded cable. All shielded (with and without jacket) cable constructions shall exhibit no
cracking of the insulation, jacket material, or any other cable component when subjected a temperature
of -40 °C.
3.6.3 Conductor continuity. No conductor in a cable shall have any electrical discontinuity.
3.6.4 Concentricity of extruded jackets. The concentricity of extruded jackets shall be not less
than 70 percent.
3.6.5 Spark. All jacketed (shielded and unshielded) cables shall withstand a spark voltage of
1,500 volts (rms) without breakdown.
3.6.6 Dielectric immersion. When immersed in water and subjected to a potential voltage, the
finished cable shall not exhibit insulation breakdown or damage.
3.6.7 Heat resistance. The insulation of each conductor in the cable shall not shrink more than
.125 inch after the cable has been subjected to the heat resistance condition specified in the applicable
specification sheet. The cable shall then meet the dielectric strength requirements specified in 3.6.1.
3.6.8 Low-temperature storage. After being placed in a temperature chamber at a temperature
of -62 °C for a minimum of 72 hours, the cable shall be capable of operating satisfactorily and shall meet
the dielectric strength requirements specified in 3.6.1.
3.6.9 Flammability. Cable specimens with all jacket materials loaded with sufficient weight to remain
taut throughout the test shall not burn for more than 30 seconds, nor burn more than 3 inches,
after 30 seconds of flame application.
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