MIL-DTL-28781E Sampling for measurement of colors. In each shipping length of cable, pairs shall be
selected at random for verification of the color in accordance with by comparison with Munsell
color cards. The number of pairs so examined shall be the same as specified in If any pair is
found not having color as specified, every pair in that cable length shall be compared with the Munsell
color card. Also, the reels of cable preceding and following shall be examined to determine the extent of
the incorrect coloring. If the colored insulation does not conform to the requirements of, the lot
shall not be offered for delivery.
4.5.3 Group B inspection. The group B inspection shall consist of tests shown in table VII.
TABLE VII. Group B inspection.
Examination and tests
Requirement paragraph
Test method paragraph
Mutual capacitance
Capacitance unbalance
Conductor resistance
Shield resistance
Crosstalk Sampling for group B tests. The sample size (number of reels) of each lot of prepared cable
to be tested under group B tests listed in table VII shall be in accordance with the sample sizes stated in
table VIII for the cable construction (number of pairs) involved. If one or more defects are found in the
inspection sample, then the production lot shall be inspected for that particular defect and the defects
removed. A second inspection sample shall be selected from the production lot and all sampling tests
again performed. If one or more defective items are found in the second inspection sample, the
production lot shall be rejected and shall not be supplied to this specification.
TABLE VIII. Sample sizes.
Number of pairs in
Sample size
assembled cable
Any test failures in any sample reel for any test listed in table VII of this specification shall be cause for
rejection of the entire lot of the cable size represented by the sample reel under test on the basis of the
parameters being tested.
4.5.4 Rejected lots. If any inspection lot is rejected, the supplier may replace it with a new lot, rework
it to correct the defects, or screen out the defective units, and reinspect the lot. Such lots shall be
inspected in table IX. Reinspected lots shall be kept separate from new lots and shall be clearly identified
as reinspected lots.
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