2.27 Tension set. Tension set is the elongation remaining after a specimen has been stretched and held
at a specified elongation for a given period of time, then has been relieved of the force, and is allowed to
rest for a definite period of time. It is expressed as a percentage of the distance between the bench
marks on the unstretched specimen. For example, a specimen is stretched from 1 to 5 inches for a
period of 10 minutes and then released. Its length after the 10 minutes rest is 1.2 inches; therefore, the
set under these conditions is 0.2 inch or 20 percent.
2.28 Twisted pair. A twisted pair is composed of two insulated conductors twisted together.
2.29 Unidirectional lay. Unidirectional lay is that variation of concentric lay in which all the helical layers
of strands comprising the concentric conductor have the same direction of lay. The construction includes
normal unidirectional lay, in which each successive layer has a greater lay length than the preceding
layer, and unidirectional equal lay (unilay), generally limited to 19 strands, in which all helical layers have
the same length of lay.
2.30 Unilay. See "unidirectional equal lay" under "unidirectional lay".
2.31 Wire. A wire is a slender rod of filament of drawn metal.
2.32 Yarn size. Yarn size (yarn number) is a conventional relative measure of fineness or dimension. It
is expressed as the number of standard lengths per standard weight of the material.
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