Failure to submit the report within 30 days after the end of each two-year period may result in loss of
ualification for the product. In addition to the periodic submission of inspection data, the contractor shall
immediately notify the qualifying activity at any time during the two-year period that the inspection
data indicates failure of the qualified product to meet the requirements of this specification.
In the event that no production occurred during the reporting period, a report shall be submitted certifying
that the company still has the capabilities and facilities necessary to produce the item. If during two
consecutive reporting periods there has been no production, the manufacturer may be required, at the
discretion if the qualifying activity, to submit his qualified products to retesting as specified in the
qualification inspection requirements and the reason for no production.
4.4 Conformance inspection. Conformance inspection shall consist of all the conformance tests and
inspections in table III.
TABLE III. Conformance inspections.
Inspection or test
Group I
Wire outer surface
Wire diameter
Conductor diameter
Table I
Finished wire weight
Elongation (copper conductor)
Group II
Physical properties (primary
Aging (except oxidation)
Cold bend
Oil absorption
Abrasion (procedure I only)
Flammability (procedure II only)
Thermal shock resistance
4.4.1 Sampling. For groups I and II tests, a random sample of the size specified shall be selected from
an inspection lot. From each sample unit, specimens of sufficient length shall be selected for the
specified tests. The sample size shall be based on the inspection lot size as specified in table IV.
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